Getting Started

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Getting started

How to create a new customer?

To create a new user, you must send a unique customer ID, customer’s Business registration number and the customer name.

Customer_number : your unique customer Id number

accountingId : The customer’s business official registration number

companyName : your unique customer Id number

Force : create new user for an existing customer altought he already has a user.

Once a customer is created, a response is generated to the with a link to complete his registration:

Response options:

1. New Customer: Creates a new customer and provides with a new user registration unique URL.

2. Existing accounting ID: can’t creat new customer, in that case you can either:

a) Connect to an existing customer by using one of the AccountingOptions’ operatorid

b) Create new customer by using the FullFillId (see instructions on the bottom page.

Sample Request:

  • Method: GET
  • URL:
  • Params:
    • customerNumber: string
    • force: false
    • accountingid:  string 
    • companyName: string
    • {OPTIONAL} operatorId:  number
  • Authorization type: Bearer Token

Request sample:

					Method: GET
Authorization: Bearer {token}


Force new user:  If a new user is required even though there’s already a user for the customer nubmer, use the  Force  parameter.

Sample Response:

Status: 200 OK

     "Success": Boolean,
    "FullFillId": guid| string,
    "AccountingOptions": [
            "Name": string,
            "Id": number | int64, 
            "customerNumber": string
    "RegisterUrl": string


Sucessfull case a connexion URL will be returned.

Successfull account setup will occure once a user is connected with a unique costumer ID. 

If Force parameter is used – URL will always be returned, since it will delete a current user, if exists.


In case of exsiting customer (i.e same customer id number), the request will send success: false.

In this case, there are two options:

  1. Merge a created customer with an exsiting one:
    Select an id from the AccountingOptions
    insert the selected id inside the parameter operatorId and send a new request: GetCustomerRegistrationURL 
    You can also use this option to update customer’s operator number.
  2. In case you want to add a new customer under an existing Accounting Id,
    send a fullfillment request : insert FullFillId from response inside the parameter FullfillmentId (i.e: same company owns several business under one tax id number)

Fullfillment request:

					Method: Get

Fullfillement response:


Returns registration URL