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Catalog Update

Order Management

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Order Management

Get Orders By Date

Once an order is made, a document is submitted. To get the order document use the following URL:


					Method: GET
URL: /api/v1/supplierApi/ordersByCriteria?fromDate=YYYY-MM-DD&toDate=YYYY-MM-DD&status={status num}

In order to stay updated, send the request on a frequent basis.

The JSON body should include all order document’s variables. 

Statuses list

Field Name status number
Drafts 0
PendingForApproval 1
Approved 2
Rejected 3
Canceled 4
AcceptedPartial 7
CanceledAfterApproved 11
WaitSend 16
MovedToSupplieERP 17

Response Sample:

    "status": "200",
    "orders": [
            "id": "1543695",//internal order id
            "status": 1,//status of order
            "date_sent": "2023-05-30",
            "customer_number": "159263487484",
            "date_delivery": "2023-05-31",
            "description": null,
            "totalNoVATAfterDiscount": 138.0000,
            "totalWithVATAfterDiscount": 161.4600,
            "items": [
                    "cat_number": "45416541654165",//SKU
                    "name": "בטטה",
                    "unitQuantity": 1.00,//quantity in catalog
                    "unitQuantityType": 0,
                    "quantity": 2.00//quantity in order,
                    "price": 34.0000
                    //price per unit,
                    "totalQuantity": 2.0000,
                    //catalog quantity times quantity in order
                    "totalPrice": 68.000000,
                    //price per unit times quantity in order
                    "withoutVAT": false//is free of VAT
                    "expenseAccount": null//the expense account number
                    "cat_number": "4654567489798798",
                    "name": "בגט",
                    "unitQuantity": 1.00,
                    "unitQuantityType": 0,
                    "quantity": 2.00,
                    "price": 35.0000,
                    "totalQuantity": 2.0000,
                    "totalPrice": 70.000000,
                    "withoutVAT": false
                    "expenseAccount": "9998887755"
        ... next order

Status: 200