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Catalog Update

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Catalog Update

Price update

To update product price and minimum order quantity in specific customer’s price list, use the following URL including the customer unique id number:

(In the following example – customer_nubmer   is 22561)



Price list items:

Field Name Type Mandatory Field Description
replace_current_variety Boollean false-default true put true to update all pricelist items
put false to update only selected items
minimum_order Number false set a minimum order price amount
products pricelistitems[] true

Fields specification:

Field Name Type Mandatory Field Description
SKU String True Catalog number
Price Number True Product price

The json body should include the product SKU (Stock keeping unit) and its price:

Body sample:

	"replace_current_variety": true,    // default



Expected response: array of errors.
Empty array means successfull update.