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Catalog Update

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Catalog Update

Product availability update

This method allows to update only availability of a product without all the other product variables


					Method: POST
URL: api/v1/supplierApi/supplier/catalog/updateProductPublishedState

Product's items

products items[]

Field Name Type Mandatory Field Description
cat_number String True Catalogic number
is_published String True product availability (false=not available in stock)

Body sample:

    "products": [
            "cat_number": "7052009", //code of item
        	"is_published": true //is published for users or not, used for deleting
            // or blocking product usage
            "cat_number": "7052009M",
        	"is_published": false


    "status": "ok",
    "report": {
        "errors": [],
    	"updated": [