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Order management

Delivery schedule

Order’s due day & hour updates should be sent by the following URL including customer’s unique id number:

Request sample (in the following example – customer_nubmer   is 22561)


					Method: POST
URL: api/v1/supplierApi/customers/{customer_nubmer}/orderDays


Order day items []

Order day items:

The JSON body should respect the following day numeration format:

Day – a number in the range of 0 through 6.

0 – Sunday, 1 – Monday, 2 – Tuesday,  3 – Wednesday, 4 – Thursday, 5 – Friday,  6- Saturday

It should also include the actual day, the due day and due time.

It should also include the actual day, the due day and due time.

Field Name Type Mandatory Field Description
Day Day ID true Shipment day
CanGetOrders Boolean true Available supply day
DueDay Day ID true Last day to place an order
DueTime string-h:mm true Last hour in the due day to place an order

Body sample:

    "Day": "0",
    "CanGetOrders": false,
    "DueDay": "4",
    "DueTime": "8:00",



Status: 200